Nollywood actor, Alex Ekubo has taken to his social media page to call out the federal government on the insecurities and injustice killing in the country.
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A female student in Sokoto was set on fire after she was beaten by her fellow students for allegedly posting ‘blasphemous’ voice note on their Whatsapp group.
The school, located in Nigeria’s northwestern state of Sokoto, was immediately closed down following the attack.
Two suspects were arrested in connection with the murder of the student, who was identified as Deborah Samuel, said a spokesperson for the Sokoto state command.
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In reaction to the murder, actor Alex Ekubo has called on the government to do the needful and put behind bars the perpetrators of such evil act.
He wrote;
“God pls grant the soul/s of all those who have died in these senseless religious, political & ethnic wars in Nigeria pls grant them a hall pass to Heaven, they already lived & died in hell.
This Nigeria is just a pot of beans, lots of innocent people have died senseless/meaningless death. It’s really pathetic.
May the peace that passeth all understanding blow over Nigeria.”