Trollishly: How E-commerce Startups Shall Leverage TikTok?

TikTok is a fascinating social media platform hub of business activities. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, brands shall promote any product on TikTok. When we get into business, there are different types available. Now in today’s world, the e-Commerce business is booming. After the advent of online platforms, everything is becoming more online when you buy or sell a product. Moreover, making your brand visible to many people is challenging when you are a startup or budding company.

This article is a great insight if you are an e-commerce startup trying to outshine your brand quickly. In addition, as an eCommerce company, reaching a wider audience is essential. To accomplish that, brands may buy Tiktok followers uplifting their growth. Continue reading the article and dive deep into how eCommerce startups use TikTok effectively. Let’s get started!

Why Should E-commerce Startups Utilize TikTok?

eCommerce businesses have to keep the audience engaged and lively. So TikTok is a perfect platform, where the engagement rate is around 18%. E-commerce brands should always showcase new products to the audience. If you are active on TikTok, then there will be a massive fanbase on your TikTok profile. Apart from this, the app is an excellent place to start as an entrepreneur. TikTok always is a wide open door for opportunities.

The features of TikTok are also huge and are updating more and more. In recent times, TikTok has launched more shopping features too. Startups can open a TikTok shop account and sell their products. They shall even tag the products in the videos and make the audience purchase them. You can also try using Trollishly to get more followers to your TikTok account.

How to Open a TikTok Shop?

Specific guidelines need to be followed open a TikTok shop:
As per the eligibility criteria, the address should be an Indian address. The contact information you provide should be in a language accepted by TikTok.
You must have a TikTok account with at least 10k followers.
You must adhere to the TikTok community guidelines.

Benefits for E-Commerce Startups to Use TikTok

Increase in Sales – If you are looking for new ways to increase sales, startups should use TikTok effectively. With original and genuine videos, it is possible to showcase your products to your huge followers and shoot up your sales.

Utilize TikTok Ads – With TikTok ads, you shall showcase the newly arrived products to the world.

Boost SEO Strategy – For e-Commerce businesses, it is essential to rank the profile on top of the search engine. When the audience searches for your e-commerce brand, it needs to be seen at the top of the google search results. So as a startup, you have to focus on the keywords. If you focus on the first, the reach would be pretty straightforward.

Connect With New Audiences – Always remember that once you have a set of audiences in your profile, you should continue with the promotions. It is essential to gain new audiences and only then is it possible to strengthen your audience base.

9 Tips E-Commerce Businesses Shall Use TikTok Effectively

1. Use Hashtags

Only the proper use of hashtags will make your brand reach a target audience. Moreover, as an e-commerce startup, you shall start with a hashtag challenge. The hashtag challenges may drive the attention of new audiences. Therefore, please use trending and unique hashtags.

2. Partner With Influencers

As a startup, you shall partner with micro-influencers with fewer followers, and the reach will also be good. However, as you are starting from scratch, take each step carefully. Moreover, finding the right influencers is a tough job. Ask them to post the content using the links if you find the right one. Moreover, to improve the organic traffic, you should try using Trollishly and reap better results.

3. Link the Products

In the TikTok videos, you shall embed the links to the products. With clickable links, you shall direct the audience to the website, where they know more about your products and services. It would be great to have a smooth shopping journey by linking the tags. It would be possible to complete the buying process without leaving the app.

4. TikTok Shopping Features

With TikTok shopping features, it would be easy to shop anywhere, anytime. Startups can show the new arrival products on the Live video itself. If you attain 1000 followers, you shall be able to go on Live so that the audiences will have real-time interaction with the brand. On the shopping tab, the business profiles shall upload their product catalog. This product catalog has a list of products from the brand.

5. Build E-Commerce Campaigns

As an online startup, you can generate user-generated content. Ask the users about your brand, and you shall reshare the same content on your profile by tagging the customers. You can also ask the users to tag you in their posts. The audience will also feel motivated, and the brand will have more credibility.

6. Try to Tap the Algorithm

There will be a particular algorithm for the specific niches. So try to crack it out for your e-commerce sector. The algorithm will change often, so check the platform statistics for a better step forward. Check on the metrics continuously to quickly improve your performance on the platform.

7. Watch Out for Trends

It would be tough to go higher on the platform if you aren’t on trends. Trends are also changing on the platform, so it would be great if the startups watched out for the current trends. It would help if you saw the competitors, too, for what is going on on the platform. Just fetch the ideas from the popular ones and recreate a funny and entertaining video for the audience.

8. Use Filters

Startups only invest a little in the platform as far as they are confident with your process. First, get into the platform, try understanding it, and then play your game. So please scroll through the app, look for all the options, and learn how to use it effectively. Now the app has green screen filters, AR filters, avatars, cartoon filters, etc., So if you want to create a unique video, try to use all the filters.

9. Measure the Metrics

Finally, whoever it may be, whether a startup or a well-established company, metrics are one of the essential tactics that must be followed and seen. You have to keep in hand the metrics of any video you create so that it will be helpful to measure the performance of your videos at a particular time. If any improvements have to be taken, they would be accessible to the understanding metrics.


Every success on the TikTok platform does not happen in a single night. It may take time to get spectacular results. But be patient and work towards progress; everything will come to you at the correct time. Try to create the best practices that suit your brand. We hope the above article is a complete guide for eCommerce startups to use TikTok effectively. If you find the article interesting, then leave your feedback below. Thanks for reading! Enjoy the TikTok!





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