Nollywood Director, blessing Egbe premiered her movie last weekend to rave reviews. There was a lot of positive chatter about the movie, which comes as no surprise considering the line up of talent. Actress Kate Henshaw Nutall, Omoni Oboli, Ufuoma Mcdermott and Kalu Ikeagu formed the front line of stars in the movie. Coming off the success of Lekki Wives and 2 Brides and a baby Blessing Egbe proved that she’s not one hit wonder.
On another note, there’s nothing more poetic to me than when life imitates art, so imagine my delight when the Actresses and Director of the movie showed up on the Red Carpet looking like real life leading ladies. Kate Henshaw Nutall in Samuel Noon and Kalu Ikeagu were easily the foremost leading ladies as far as red carpet style at the premier went. Rita Dominic may not have played any supporting roles in the movie but she was definitely a supporting style act on the red carpet. Omoni Oboli without a shadow of doubt held her corner in a pink and champagne sleevless dress.