Forget Big Weddings, You Have Nothing To Prove! See The Benefits Of A Small Wedding!
In today’s world, it is fair enough to say the divorce rates across the world are decreasing according to, so people are making better choices with their spouses. However, it is also fair enough to say marriage rates are decreasing so it is uncertain how that affects the divorce rates.
Divorce Vs Commitment
Research by the NBCI shows the most commonly reported major contributors to divorce were lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing.
The most common “final straw” reasons were infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. More participants blamed their partners than blamed themselves for the divorce.
Getting to know your partner well is an intimate experience between the two of you. It is not an entertainment show, nor a spectacle you need to put on for your loved ones and enemies only to soon divorce. Hence why it is very necessary to consider how you execute your wedding ceremonies.
Many Waste Money On Weddings They Can’t Afford
Time after time again, especially here in Africa, lovers are pressured to execute phenomenal ceremonies to impress family members and friends.
Their events are filled with ridiculous dance moves, piers doing the most of show off their cars, and the odd one or two people that bring as many notes to shower any outrageous act on the floor.
Most of them seek assistance from family member to be able to fund the ceremony, hire a lot of services that end up letting them down at the last minute, and worst of all exhaust themselves to host an event where half the people they invited did not attend but it’s replaced with a group of unknown individuals that came in for the jollof rice.
In other words, they go through a lot of pressure and stress only for the couple to carry the burden of the tension into their relationship.
Do You Really Need All Of That Stress?
Here is a little secret you don’t. In 2021 marriage has taken a totally different transformation over the years and it is now just a way to let people know you are capable of executing a great wedding. But are they getting married or are you and your spouse getting married?
Fiances should take every chance to discuss what they really want in a wedding. Why not get a meaningful location and make sense of your marriage there. Some ideas could be a waterfall, or a beach, or even a beautiful architectural landscape where you can produce tremendous pictures.
The picture could possibly carry more sentimental and intimate memories that will live with you for a life time.

You don’t need everyone to be there, we are in the age of social media remember? They can gladly cook their own jollof rice at home, scroll through your images, and congratulate you.
Better yet, if you are so adamant about them being there in spirit, why not stream it live and send them the zoom link invite.
Give Yourself More Room For A Unique Wedding
Just imagine the money saved from hosting the typical white wedding, and traveling to a country or a monument you wish to wed at, and getting the perfect, happy, and most romantic scenery for just you and your lover.
It might not even be a case of money saved, it could even be a matter of money spent on something more creative and memorable.
Maybe you have a bridesmaid or a best man or even a few more. At which point the question is now focused on, are you and your lover happy? Instead of, are the guests liking the Jollof?
A Small Wedding Might Be Essential For Your Marriage
Marriage is an important stage in your life, between you and your lover, not you and your lover and your bank account and everyone else. Focus on the longevity of your happiness and then decide what type of wedding will dictate that.
In most cases, a more intimate experience works best. and in a fast-moving world with social media and lack of privacy, a close-knit wedding or even a wedding with only the lovers, a preacher, a videographer, and a photographer may be all you need.
With that said, enjoy images of the newly wedded couple @beautyisang & @westindianroots who executed a beautiful wedding in Jamaica.