Nikita Dragun’s Real Name is Nikita Nguyen . In a YouTube video titled ‘TRANSGENDER Q&A (Surgery, Dating, & More)’, she said: “I didn’t want a base name. ‘I don’t want this. Nikita is everything I stand for. Plus there was a show called Nikita and it was with an Asian assassin – it just represents, like, everything I stand for. Aspires to be. ‘
Her Age
Nikita Dragun has 25 years old She was born on January 31, 1996
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Nikita Dragun is 1.6 m tall
HER ORIGIN Nikita Dragun was born in Belgium but attended high school in Virginia, the USA She then moved to Los Angeles to do college and still lives there
Nikita Dragun is Asian and Latina Her mother is Mexican and her father is Vietnamese
Nikita Dragun is an Aquarian, her birthday falls January 31
Nikita Dragun has five known tattoos. She has a “dragon” tattooed on her wrist and left in Arabic, Quan Am (a Buddhist deity) on his right side, a dragon head on his rib cage, a large red dragon running on his back, and another dragon head on his back. breast bone.
HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ALEJANDRO ROSARIO Nikita Dragun has sparked rumors that she may be dating TikTok star Alejandro Rosario after attending her recent birthday party. The couple also left affectionate comments on each other’s Instagram photos, including one of Nikita’s, which read, “Are you 18 now? I’m asking a friend.” However, many have problems with the seven-year age difference between them. Alejandro just turned 18 and Nikita, 25.
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NIKITA DRAGUN OSCAR UTIERRE’S NEW BOYFRIEND? Nikita Dragun and Oscar Utierre have a complicated relationship. Nikita met Oscar on his first day in Los Angeles and they quickly became friends. Later it became a romantic relationship. On Nikita’s Snapchat show “Nikita: Unfiltered”, Oscar declared his love for Nikita, but she decided to remain friends with Oscar and not ruin their friendship.
Nikita’s parents regularly appear on her YouTube channel and social media. Nikita’s father was in the military.
NIKITA DRAGUN NOT RELATED TO BREITMAN ROCK, Believe it or not, Nikita Dragun and YouTuber Bretman Rock are not related, however they are best friends.
NIKITA DRAGUN IS TRANSGENDER Nikita Dragun is transgender. She was open about her transition, which began at age 19. In a 2016 YouTube video titled “TRANSGENDER Q&A (Surgery, Dating & More),” Nikita said her parents were incredibly supportive of her decision to transition.
NIKITA DRAGUN LAUNCHES MORPHE COLLECTION Nikita Dragun collaborated with Morphe on her collection. It has yet to be confirmed what the collection will include, but it will be released on November 5th and Morphe will also start offering some Dragun Beauty products.
WHAT NIKITA DRAGUN LOOKS LIKE WITHOUT MAKEUP Nikita Dragun looks beautiful without makeup. Nikita talked about not being sure to share photos of yourself without makeup. In an Instagram post, she wrote: “I once said my biggest fear would be posting a photo without makeup or touch-up…working to love me!”
NET VALUE According to, Nikita Dragun is worth almost 400,000