Nicki Minaj, renowned for her innovative and bold fashion choices, recently made a foray into the beauty industry with the launch of her first solo beauty endeavor – a collection of press-on nails. The collection, which combines Minaj’s distinctive style with high quality materials and intricate designs, has garnered significant attention within the beauty community.
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The rapper has collaborated with celebrity nail artist Yvett Garcia to launch Pink Friday Nails, a direct-to-consumer line of press-on nails with 11 styles ranging from $19.99 to $29.99.
Aiming to bridge the gap between custom press-ons, which can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, and those currently accessible in the mass market, the line’s initial styles come in five lengths and four shapes, ranging from short rectangles to Minaj’s famous XXL stilettos.
Pink Friday Nails will continue to steadily roll out new designs, Garcia said, hinting that a pink, pearl-ornamented set inspired by those Minaj wore in last year’s “Princess Diana” music video is on the way.
“When I became a mom, I couldn’t spend as much time getting my nails done as when I only had to worry about me, so it became a necessity to create fly, quality press-on nails,” said Minaj, whose son is 3 years old, in a statement according to WWD.
Landing in retail doors is an eventual goal, though Garcia did not specify where she and Minaj envision the line launching. “We want to see this all over — we think Pink Friday Nails can unlock a whole new standard to the [ready-to-wear] press-on nails game.”
As she continues to expand her presence within the beauty world, fans can expect more exciting and innovative products from this talented artist.