Home Remedy To Get Rid Of body Odour

Body odor can be very disturbing as it causes one to be very uncomfortable, reducing ones self esteem in the process.

The unease it comes with, creating discomfort as you find it hard to be around people as you tend to be conscious of how terrible you smell.

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Getting rid of body odour is no longer as hard as it used to be by buying expensive deodorant and drugs, you could actually get rid of it at the comfort of your home. Here is how;

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1. Vinegar

Vinegar balances the body pH, this inhibits the growth of bacteria because they cannot survive in an acidic environment. Apply white or apple vinegar using a cotton ball soaked in the vinegar to your underarm after having a shower. This will leave your underarms feeling fresh and bacteria-free.

Note, do not apply deodorant after the vinegar dab, also do not apply it on freshly shaved skin as it will cause a burning sensation.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda works by absorbing moisture, thereby reducing bacteria growth. It can be rubbed on your armpit like a talcum powder. You can also make a thick paste using baking soda and lemon juice and rub it on your underarms.

3. Lemon

Lemon also creates an acidic environment where bacteria cannot survive. Rub lemon directly on your armpit then rinse off with cool water or mix some amount of lemon juice in your bathing water.

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