Doyin reveals how a brand dropped her due to an interview, admits to being fake on reality TV show

Doyin reveals how a brand dropped her due to an interview, admits to being fake on reality TV show

Big Brother ‘Level Up’ former housemate, Doyinsola Anuoluwapo David, simply known as Doyin, has admitted that she faked her character during her first appearance on the reality TV show in 2022.

In an interview on the Live With Lynda podcast, Doyin disclosed that her first run on the BBNaija show, Level Up season, wasn’t her best, so she returned for the All-Stars show.

She admitted to being fake on the first show, as she noted that her narrative was to appear mature and act as a mediator, even though she is naturally the type who fights.

Speaking about her experience as an influencer, Doyin disclosed that she was once dropped by a brand due to an interview she gave, admitting that, in fairness, she deserved it.

She said

“My first run wasn’t my best run, to be honest. I have been on the show twice, and I came out of the show, and I hated it. I was fake. I came out with the narrative that Doyin is too mature. She is always trying to talk things out; that’s not really me oo. In real life, I fight.

I am not a content creator.” 

“Influencers are people who try to sell a product to their audience. I think content creators can be influencers, but I don’t think influencers can be content creators.”

“There is no bad or good brand. I had a brand that dropped me. They had signed me and paid me the money, but they called and asked for a refund, and it was because of an interview I did. And to be fair to them, I deserved to be dropped because why did I talk?”.

Doyin was one of the former Big Brother Naija housemates who returned to the house for last year’s All-Stars edition. She faced heavy criticism for being talkative.

After her eviction from the show, Doyin argued that Nigerians are not ready for a reality TV show, criticizing fans for voting against her due to her outspoken nature.

Read Also: Ilebaye pens heartfelt gratitude to Doyin, names toughest housemates in All Stars show

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