
Hi beauty lovers and enthusiasts! Always a pleasure to bring you some juicy topic to talk about each week…Now we know we may be receiving a lot of side eye (or not) because we will be talking about that lip colour obsession that we either absolutely love and can’t do without or on the flip side, detest and can’t even come close to; the universally acclaimed, the ultimate, RED LIPSTICK!

So call us biased or prejudiced but we know the “REDs” will forever have it.The signature red lip has the definitive ability to boost your confidence, upgrade your entire ensemble and make an obvious statement when worn properly. Regardless of formulation -be it extra glossy, matte, highly pigmented– or type (lipstick, lip liner or lip gloss), what remains absolutely important is finding a shade or shades that works for you. Without a doubt, for some of us this is no walk in the park; a shade of red that works perfectly for your bestie may never look half as good on you. Some people were made for red, in whatever shade it may come. Now, a few questions will pop up, “How do I find what shade works best for me?” “Is there ever going to be a shade of red that will work for me?” Well great news, there is a red lip colour for everybody…regardless of skin tone and under tones.

The REDs have come such a long way that they come in a wide range of variety, from orangey reds to as far as maroon reds making it easy (or maybe not so easy) to find your perfect match in between this range. The perfect red lipstick for light skinned ladies would be – orangey reds, tomato red, brown based reds, golden reds and tawny reds are go to colours. If you are medium/dark skinned you can get away with pink tones of red, berry reds, blackberry reds, brick reds, blue tones of red and plum tones. As we would typically advice, if you are out to get a red lip colour that works for you, always TRY before you BUY! You do not need to be under any form of pressure, take your time, sip on a little cool aid every now and then if you need to and you are guaranteed to find at least one colour or combination (which is also super cool by the way) that absolutely rocks your boat!

Once you have found a red that works for you, make sure to wear it properly as sometimes it’s not necessarily the shade that’s not right but how it is worn; never forget to use a complementing lip liner as this is a quick and easy fix.

So go ahead, pair your ultra-cool new red lip colour with nicely groomed brows, a healthy dose of mascara, and a soft eye colour and voila…

LipStick2 LipStick3 Red Lip


Glamsquad magazine is an independently operated online fashion, beauty, style, entertainment, and health blog. Its features are both inspirational and accessible, giving our followers a scoop on what's trending now in the fashion, beauty, style, and entertainment industry.

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