Nigerians reaction to Wizkid’s performance On Drake’s “One Dance”

Last week, American music star, Drake, released a new single in which he collaborated with top Nigerian pop star, Wizkid. The single was released on itunes simultaneously with another single effort Drake did with hip hop heavy weights, Kanye West and Jay Z. The news of Wizkid’s collaboration got everybody talking about how far he has come regarding international acceptance and what it means for the Nigerian music industry. As expected, music lovers took to the internet to get the song by whatever means but were disappointed.

wizkid drake

The track, which US top magazine ‘Billboard’ claims has the potential to become a dancehall magnet, didn’t seem to impress the majority of Nigerians; they went on twitter to voice their  disappointment . This is majorly because Wizkid barely participated in the song.


Hearing it’s a collaboration, you play the track which is not up to three    minutes long, waiting to hear the rich vocals of our ‘Ojuelegba’ star but when they come in towards the end of the track, his vocals are so faded, they don’t sound much like ‘Wizzy’. Plus, his part doesn’t last long enough for you to notice he is even part of it.


The good thing, though, is that his name is in the credits. That must count for something.


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