Why I won’t marry virgin – Comedian, Nedu

Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, popularly known as Nedu, a Nigerian media personality, has revealed why he will not marry a virgin, glamsquad reports 


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He claims that most virgins are bad decision-makers and that nonvirgins make better ones.

The comedian recently stated on The Honest Bunch audiovisual podcast, which he co-hosts.

According to him, most virgins believe that their virginity is their pride and that it is all they have to offer.

“If I want to marry, I won’t marry a virgin,” he said. I’ll explain why. Girls who are not virgins, in my opinion, make better decisions. Most virgin girls believe, “Oh, this is my pride.” My virginity is my source of pride. My virginity represents my worth. I’m 30 years old and a virgin. “I kept myself.”

However, actress Juliana Olayode, who appeared on the show as a guest, refuted Nedu’s claims that virgins are bad decision-makers.

“There are a lot of virgins who are very knowledgeable,” she said. They understand that this is not all there is to them. You can bring one million dollars, and they will double it to fifty million dollars. So I don’t think it’s a matter of experience.

“The experience thing puts a lot of people under pressure. I’m speaking specifically for people like Juliana [myself] who have a Juliana attitude toward this situation. I believe that person who is now a pro did not begin as a pro. The person has already had numerous experiences with various men, possibly even the same man, and this is why the person is a pro.”

“I feel like we live in a culture where people don’t want to grow with you because there’s so much emphasis on ‘I hit it, I got it right.'” Yes, I did scream. ‘I yell.’ There is so much hype surrounding it that many people are unwilling to simply grow alongside you. And I believe that people who are willing to walk that journey with others share more bonds and connections, particularly on the sexual journey,” Olayode added.

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