“Stay away from Sheila” Isreal DMW warns men, vows not to move on

"Stay away from Sheila" Isreal DMW warns men, vows not to move on

Isreal DMW, the logistic manager of Afrobeat star, Davido has publicly issued a stern warning to stay away from his estranged wife, Sheila Courage.

Glamsquad recalls that Isreal DMW and Sheila Courage’s marriage hit the rock in 2023  year after their star-studded wedding.

The estranged couple aired their marital issues on social media and as expected, the association of online in-laws advised them accordingly.

However, it is worth noting that while Sheila is busy living her life in Abuja, Isreal has continued to call her out.

In a new post, Isreal warned men to stay away from his estranged wife and warned them of the dangers of having an affair with married women, particularly the ones from his hometown in Edo State.

Surprisingly, Isreal DMW stated  that he does not plan to move on from his broken marriage any time soon.

He wrote,

“Dearest Men. Stay away from Sheila. Stay away from a legally married women, especially the ones from Edo State. Dnt get urself into trouble because of just 5 minutes pleasure. Pitty ur loved ones atleast, if you’re not pittying urself. People shouldn’t always believe they are smart. People shouldn’t always believe they would always eat their cakes and still have it back. Move on what ? FUCK SHIIT. Thanks”.

"Stay away from Sheila" Isreal DMW warns men, vows not to move on

Read Also: ‘You married Isreal DMW because of Davido’ Blessing CEO slams Sheila Courage (video)

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