Senator Florence Ita-Giwa’s Love For Children

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The name Florence Ita-Giwa connotes different things to different people. To some, she is a politician, businesswoman, freedom fighter, philanthropist and a mother.

She has all the aforementioned qualities embedded in her.

The former Senator and Special Adviser to ex- President Olusegun Obasanjo is one of the very few, who have always loved to invest in people around her.

A mother figure extraordinary, she has lived all her life fighting for a good cause, by impacting her immediate society.

When Nigeria ceded Bakkassi Peninsula to Cameroon, Florence Ita-Giwa stood as a voice for the voiceless Nigerians in Bakassi.

She was at the forefront of a better life for her people. A respected woman across board, she negotiated for the Bakassi people to embrace amnesty for the peace and tranquility of Bakassi and Nigeria at large..

Like a mother, Senator Ita-Giwa took it upon herself by taking up the educational responsibility of 14 Bakassi children. She is solely responsible for financing their education from primary to tertiary level.

Like a proud mother, whose joy knows no bound, seeing what she has toiled and laboured for all the years metamorphose to success.

Mama Bakassi never hid her joy as 4 of her Bakassi children: Paul Bassey Okon, graduated from Univeristy of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana, studied Petroleum Engineering; Eyo Daniel Edet Univeristy of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana studied Mechanical Engineering; Giwa Roberts, Babcock University Ilishan-Remo studied Computer Science and Bassey Precious, Babcock University Ilishan-Remo studied Information Resource Management graduated from the University with good grades.

Senator Florence hosted a soiree to celebrate the four graduates at her highbrow restaurant “Echos of Calabar” Victoria Island, Lagos.

She appreciated her children and also encouraged the rest to put in their best to make her proud.

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