omoni's got beautiful skin

Nothing beats a homemade beauty product that actually works!  This wonderful mask is made from two common but trusty skin boosters…yoghurt and honey, what’s more, with few adjustments, it suits all skin types. This also works great as a brightening mask.



·         1 tbsp natural yogurt, room temperature



·         1 tsp honey.

How to:

Mix both ingredients, and then apply to your face.

Wait 15 minutes.

Soak a face towel in hot water and wipe off the mask.

If you have dry skin, add an extra tablespoon of honey for more moisture.

Those with oily skin should add a few drops of lemon or lime juice to combat grease.

lemons and limes

Do you know that sometimes, natural products with ingredients sourced and blended by you assure you of the safety of what you are putting on your skin, natural recipes such as this simple mask, works wonders and will not clog your pores. It also does not contain harmful and hard-to-pronounce chemicals which, more often than not, have side effect. That said, enjoy!

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Glamsquad magazine is an independently operated online fashion, beauty, style, entertainment, and health blog. Its features are both inspirational and accessible, giving our followers a scoop on what's trending now in the fashion, beauty, style, and entertainment industry.

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