On Friday, August 14 in Lagos, the world’s first luxury whisky, Chivas Regal hosted Audu Maikori to a ‘Taste of Luxury’ – the first in a series of experiential events, showcasing African entrepreneurs as figures of inspiration to the next generation of business leaders. The Strictly–by-invitation evening attracted Audu’s closest allies from corporate and social Nigeria including label mates M.I, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, and Victoria Kimani who supported the music icon on a night which coincided with his 40 birthday festivities.
Established in 1801, Chivas Regal is synonymous with great taste and outstanding achievement. ‘Taste of Luxury’ is the brand’s current effort to showcase the attributes of the Chivas connoisseur, who appreciates his whisky not only for its romantic and evocative heritage, but for its distinctive, multi-layered flavours.
This maiden event seeks to celebrate the story of the irrepressible Audu Maikori: The tale of one man, his dogged commitment to a rugged business environment and his determined and indomitable spirit of enterprise and conquest. The Social Entrepreneur is also celebrated for his unrivalled commitment to giving back to his community.
As an unquestionable embodiment of the ‘Taste of Luxury’ character, Chivas Regal sought to share his extraordinary story with the world.