As the year 2021 draws to a close, WhatsApp continues to release new updates, such as a shortcut for quick replies that is being tested in its Business Beta. The Meta-owned company is also working on a few other features.
WhatsApp is currently testing a new voice call interface. The interface would be accessible in a future Android and iOS beta release. Meanwhile, WABetaInfo has published a side-by-side comparison of both interfaces: the current and expected versions.
According to the images, the newer version will be more compact and have better color tones. It has been argued that the update might improve the appearance of group calls. It is presently available on the WhatsApp beta for iOS and should be accessible soon on the WhatsApp beta for Android.
WhatsApp is also introducing modifications this year that will allow users to join calls even after they have begun. Users may simply access the Calls tab and tap the Tap and Join icon. Users can then join the group call from which they received the call. In addition, the company has begun work on a new visual feature for end-to-end encryption. Although all WhatsApp calls and chats are currently end-to-end encrypted, the firm has gone a step further by including encryption indications on status updates, chats, and calls. This modification is also in the works.
The messaging behemoth is also attempting to change the time limit for deleting texts. Last but not least, a significant advancement is in the works. WhatsApp may soon give admins the ability to delete any message in a group chat. This would be a valuable feature for preventing user harassment and abuse. When a chat is removed, WhatsApp will display “This was deleted by an admin” and who deleted the message. It will most likely be in beta testing by early 2022.