This is long overdue for expansion, even if Telegram chat allows for up to 200,000 individuals in a group, while WhatsApp only allows for 256 participants. However, additional adjustments are on the way that will raise the group participant maximum to 512.
Limit of WhatsApp Group Participants
According to a new blog post published by the company, the possibility to add extra individuals to a chat is gradually becoming available. This means that up to 512 people can now be added to a group, which will be beneficial for the community feature that will be introduced in the coming weeks.
This feature is already in the works and should be available to you in the next weeks.
Files of up to 2GB can be sent
WhatsApp also announced the availability of sharing media files up to 2GB in size, protected by end-to-end encryption: WhatsApp already tested the increased restriction in Argentina, and the firm is now ready to make it available to everyone.
Communities on WhatsApp
The WhatsApp Community feature will be available in the coming weeks. You will be notified once it is implemented.
Finally, message reactions: the ability to react to messages has already been introduced to certain WhatsApp beta for Android users, and it will be available to more people in future releases.