What Weight Has to Do With Cancer

October is a very important month  for women all over the world. Not only is it the month in which we celebrate women’s day and women’s week, it is also Pink October Month a.k.a Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the Spirit of getting in on raising awareness for this very important cause, we are sharing some information on one often overlooked cause of cancer; Weight.

According to the American Cancer Society, having more fat tissue increases estrogen levels in the body, making women more suceptible to cancer. Weight gain also increases Insulin levels which has been discovered to be a potential cause of a number of cancer types including breast cancer.

The impact of weight gain as it relates to cancer is more prominent in women who are past menopause. Research has shown that 1 in 20 people who have cancer in the UK have obesity as the cause.There are many times of cancers apart from breast cancer associated with being overweight including; bowel, womb, pancreatic, kidney, ovarian, thyroid, oesophageal and gall bladder cancers.

While there is a link between cancer and weight gain, there is no research showing that weight loss has any impact on reducing created risks. Medical Practioners advice living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding obesity as one important way to prevent cancer.



Afoma Aligbe

Afoma Aligbe is an avid foodie, Pr girl and roving editor with an over 5 years stint in the Fashion and Lifestyle industry. When she's not busy handling Clients or contributing articles, she spends her downtime blogging,eating and jiving to Nathaniel Bassey and Bethel Music

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