Nigerian actor Sola Sobowale and filmmaker Kemi Adetiba, have an excellent working relationship. Adetiba made Sobowale the lead actor for the Nollywood hit “King Of Boys.”
Sobowale was also one of the cast members for the hit film “The Wedding Party,’’ another Kemi Adetiba production. The thespian has been in the acting industry for a long time, but she has credited Adetiba for helping her attain the status of an A-list actor in Nigeria.
In an interview with Guardian Life, Sobowale praised the impact of Adetiba on her career:
“Kemi made me stronger, Kemi believed in me. I’ve been around for a while. You know you can do something, but you were never given the chance. I have never met Kemi Adetiba before, I came from the UK for an audition for Wedding Party. She auditioned me, I got the role.’’
She also narrated how she got the “King Of Boys’’ lead role:
“After the Wedding Party, I got a call. She said I should come for dinner with her. When I got to Landmark, she looked at me and said we are going to work. Then she gave me the script. I said ‘this is huge’. I asked ‘what am I doing?’ She said ‘you are the king’, I laughed and said ‘you are joking’. She said ‘no’. I said ‘you are putting this responsibility on me, you are putting your life on the line for me, and you believe I can do it?’ she said ‘yes’. I said give me the baton and said let us run, and we have been running. We will not stop, we are just starting.’’
Nigerians have fallen in love with the “King Of Boys’’ film and are anticipating another part of the movie after the sequel recorded huge success.