Ways To Be A Supportive Boyfriend When Your Girlfriend Is On Her Period

Menstral cramp can get so frustrating for most ladies and at times lead to mood swings.

As a boyfriend all you have to be is supportive and caring, because her mood swing can be either; her crying, nagging or if your lucky sad.

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Although most guys find it disgusting to be around a girl who is on her period, its best to learn to endure it to make your ‘perfect boyfriend’ journey smoother.

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Here are ways you can help your girlfriend during her cramps;

1. Become comfortable with the idea

If you are a guy that still gets freaked out or give disgusted facial expressions when women bring up menstruation talk, you need to look for a way to get used to the idea.

It’s all natural and the last thing your babe wants is for you to be acting childish like that.

Become comfortable with it. You actually should be worried for her if she does not do it. That’s how absolutely necessary it is.

2. Cook for her

Most ladies tend to loose their appetite when they are on their period while others tend to crave for something specific. If your girlfriend is the type that craves something, then you cook for her. Be the caring boyfriend.

3. Don’t ask for sex, instead rub her tummy

Some guys wouldn’t mind having sex with their girlfriend when she is on her period but its wrong, give her a tummy massage instead and if possible sing her a song.

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