Glamsquad Favourite Style Stars Wore Florals This Week on #glamsquadtvmag

GlamsquadMag brings you a series of favourite styles of fashionistas who kill it every day! For work or play, this list is to inspire you as we celebrate those who inspire us with their sense of style. We’ll be sharing the top trends, fabulous street style looks and our fashion highlights for each week.

Check out our favourite styles this week and don’t forget to tag us with #glamsquadtvmag  or send your photos and Instagram handle to be featured next week.

If you’d like to be featured in the next issue tag us #glamsquadtvmag on Instagram or send your photos and Instagram handle to be featured next week!

Photo Credit: Instagram | @glamsquadtvmag


Social media and Content Management

Adeniran Olubayo is a Creative, Skilled and accomplished Content Writer with diverse knowledge of writing contents for various websites. Adeniran Olubayo has the ability to generate content in a clear and precise manner. Also has an exceptional written and verbal communication skills, Extensive Knowledge of Google keyword research tools & Ability to write content according to clients’ requirements.

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