Following its first outing last Sunday, veteran actor, Richard Mofe Damijo’s new project, ‘The Mr X Family Show’ has gained positive feedback from the public.
This is coming after the thespian, popularly called RMD, urged fans for feedback, while also asking them for the cast they wish to see on the show.
A fan, chi4_mod wrote; “@mofedamijo Pls I can’t subscribe the compact bouquet to enjoy the show at Africa magic show. I subscribe the family plan. So I can’t watch it. Can you try so they can air it on family plan please am your good fan and I would not like to miss out. Especially watching Isabelle Idibia”.
Another fan from Cameroon, Epiahhedwig wrote; “Wow I watched it from Cameroon the premier was superb as expected. @SirRMD I trust qualities.”
According to Odupeadesina, “Sure you are a king in filming industry, just keep the good work going, the Almighty will continue to be with you.”
Also commending the good production, a fan by the handle kes19800 also pointed out some observation, which he asked the actor to pay attention to. “@mofedamijo great work and I appreciate the works of lighting, scenic variations. That said there were muddled up moments between scenes. This is my forte please let the directors do some more works or get this off during editing. I like @official2baba little girl. Her confidence made me giggle. Well done,” the fan wrote.
The show has popular musician, Tubaba’s daughter, Isabelle Idibia, making her debut appearance on the screen as a kid actor.
With the show airing on Africa Magic Showcase, there are still mixed feelings over the channel, as others feel the show should also be aired on lower bouquets.