On March 7, 2023, legendary Nollywood actor Pete Edochie celebrated his 76th birthday. The thespian was celebrated by the entertainment industry, with numerous well wishes coming in from stars in the industry, but the post made by one of Edochie’s sons caught the attention of the public.
Uche Edochie praised his father on the occasion of his 76th birthday and revealed how he and his siblings hated him while growing up because of how strict and disciplined he was. Uche thanked his father for raising them in a tough way and said he and his siblings know better now.
He said:
“Isn’t it funny how we felt the exact opposite way when we were growing up? Back then, we hated our dads because they wouldn’t allow us to endanger our careers and lives in the name of having fun. We thought they were the problem, and we grew up to realise that we were the problem and we needed our asses kicked. Thanks for kicking my ass when you had to, dad. I’m glad I grew up in the 70s and 80s and had a solid father like you to raise me. A very happy birthday to my dad, who turns 76 today. Thanks for everything, pops. You are the best father a man can wish for.”
Yul Edochie is the most popular offspring of Pete. He is into acting and has transitioned into movie production. Yul once recounted the tough upbringing he had, noting the impact of Pete Edochie when they refused to take drugs while sick as kids.
Yul said:
“Omo, Once my Dad comes into the room, standing at the door staring at you with his mean face and his belt in hand bros you go rush your drugs instantly and be happy after taking them. And once he’s around you must take your drugs with water, no matter how bitter it is, no drink for you oo, just water…Popsi was strict to a fault. Him no get time to pet you oo. No nonsense man. Those days we dey fear am oo. Now I appreciate him so much. He made us tough.”
It is hard for a man in the entertainment industry to raise his children properly, but Pete did not allow his work life to affect his family. He did a great job of balancing both.