With several separations and divorces among Nollywood celebrities, legendary actress, model and singer, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde still has her beautiful family intact. The 39-year-old actress, who made her debut on screen in 1995 with the movie, ‘Venom of Justice’, is the mother of two sons; Michael and M.J Ekeinde, two daughters; Princess and Meraiah Ekeinde and her husband, Captain Mathew Ekeinde.
The couple who got married in 1996 and had their first child in 1997 have not had any form of controversy, as husband and children have supported the career of the actress.
One of the celebratory moments in the family happened on Tuesday February 7, when the second daughter of the house, Meraiah Ekeinde marked her birthday. The stunning teenager who shares the same birthday with her mother took to her Instagram page to congratulate herself.
Omotola, also called Omo-Sexy is a recipient of many awards including the Pan African Best Actress Award 2012, Film Actress ICON 2012, Black Entertainment Film Fashion Television and Arts Award (BEFFTA) and the Ebony Vanguard Award 2013. The actress has done well for herself by proving that she is not just a distinguished actress but also a good home-keeper