Yeah, I know ………… but it is actually TRUE! Olamide has revealed that everything in life is indeed vanity upon vanity and his aim is to make heaven at last.
The Nigerian rapper was asked in an interview recently what he considers (or will consider) his greatest achievement; and this is what he said:
“My biggest achievement in this world is seeing my people grow, everybody lining good and everyone living fine, living their dreams and making heaven.
“There is nothing more important than making heaven mehn., everything in this life is just jonzing. They don’t last long mehn, nothing lasts forever.”
A lot of fans do not believe him however, taking into consideration his ‘BAD BOY’ status, some even criticized him (which I consider harsh) of being a member of the Illuminati fraternity – What ever that is really…….
Believe what ever you want to believe, the man has said his beat!