Nollywood drama Queen Chacha Eke put to birthday yesterday. The actress who is happily married to film maker Austin Faani took to instagram to inform her fans expressing her joy in a post captioned:
THANK YOU LORD JESUS🙏🏽 RepostBy @austinfaani: “•25/12/2016•
Our Christmas Princess is here!!!
Welcome to my home Kairarachukwu Dior Faani.
My wife, your mother, is my JEWEL of INESTIMABLE VALUE
Kamara, my 1st daughter, your sister, is my PRICELESS GEM & CHARM
You, my Kaira, you are GOLDEN!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with 3 Beautiful Ladies to love me unconditionally for the rest of my life.
Thank you Lord for safe delivery.
Mommy & baby are doing very well.” (via InstaRepost @AppsKottage)
See picture below: