Movie Review: ‘Five Fifty-Five’

Movie Review: ‘Five Fifty-Five’ – A Combo of Great Storyline & Deep Theme.

One of the lowkey movies produced this year is the movie, Five Fifty-Five.
A movie that portrays a very deep theme using a lot of upcoming Nollywood actors to pass across a deep message.five fifty-fiveFive Fifty-Five focuses on relationship issues. The little things people do that lead to marriage break-ups and the downright wickedness of some partners in relationships.

Selfishness can be said to be the act of thinking only of one’s self. This is one of man’s greatest flaws that if not curbed on time can have a devasting end.

This movie draws its theme from the word selfishness as it centers on two couples and how they arrive at the current point in their lives with a therapist.

Oma (Rita Edward) who right from time has an inferiority complex is in shock as a very cute guy, Phillip (Wole Ojo) picks her above all her beautiful friends.

Their relationship leads to marriage and the drama begins. Temilayo (Damilare Kuku) and Dayo  (Bucci Franklin) on the other hand are in a different boat.

While Dayo suffers emotionally at the hands of Temi because he loves her he is stuck.
The hardest part for Oma and Dayo is not realizing they are in toxic relationships respectively.

With the help of Dr. Patricia (Anita Hughes), they are able to let go of their toxic past.
Now unto the matter, one major high point of this movie is its storyline which focuses on key issues people face in relationships.

It is also very amazing that each character is used to represent each vice in relationships. The endpoint of Philip and Oma’s relationship is the perfect ending to what selfishness, inferiority complex, harsh words in fact all attributes of a toxic relationship. Same for Dayo and Temilayo.

five fifty-five
The costumes were perfect as they also portrayed the central theme, also the director’s message via the storyline. It made understanding the entire story especially the case of Oma and Philip much better.

Although the make-up is nothing to write home about which would not have be so bad if the cinematography was perfect.

This brings us to another low point of this movie, poor cinematography.

Come on, you and I know that Nollywood has gone beyond this point and has produced films with better video quality, lighting, in fact, the cinematography in general.

The flow of one scene to another was below okay which is not a good one at all.

The music is not even noticeable because one is too busy figuring out how the entire movie is laid out. The musicality is a no-no.

Coming to the setting, not much set was used because the storyline itself doesn’t require a lot of sets or locations.

Not leaving out the characterization, not much will be said in this regard because of the fact all the cast members are upcoming actors in the industry.

They will surely get better as no one stood out for exceptional role play.

In fact, at a point, it seems the character of oma was resiting poetic lines, that kind of lost me there. Again, the title of the movie does not in any way connect with the storyline.

Final Thoughts
Five Fifty-Five, with a much better budget, would have been a fantastic movie that will break the box office. Finance is one of the visible shortcomings of the amidst others.
We won’t say more than we have said and we would definitely not forget to say they have all done a good job. Watch trailer below;

Photo Credit: Getty



Jane Aimuengheuwa

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