In a show of love for her fans, Adele innocently pulled a fan from the crowd during her recent performance in the “25 Shows” she is currently engaging on tour.
Guess what, of all the Nationalities in the world, it was a Nigerian guy she pulled; and why she tried to give him a gentle kiss on the cheeks, the sharp Nigerian BoBo turned his face sharply and received the kiss on his lips, to a loud uproar from the fans.
The 21 Year old Nigerian Fan quickly took to twitter to share the picture of him and Adele, trust him, he had quickly pulled out his phone to take a snap shot.
Adele had since reacted to the incident by saying “Thank God my man ain’t there”, she joked.
There is no need for alarm however as the whole incident was caught on camera showing that Adele only wanted to plant a harmless peck and not what the Nigerian guy turned it into.