Popular socialite, Chioma Ikoku, also known as Chioma Goodhair has opened up on her past relationship. She noted that she was once in an abusive relationship that landed in an hospital. Read also: Laura Ikeji-Kanu speaks out against bullying after Iyabo Ojo received heat for bullying her
Chioma was recently on an interview with OAP Toke Makinwa on her podcast “Toke Moments”, she revealed that she was abused in her first relationship such that she ended in an hospital twice.
According to her, the first time her ex abused her, he stayed outside her residence for three days under the weather pleading with her to accept him back. Read also: RHOL: Did Iyabo Ojo Play A Fair Game By Belittling Faith Morey?
After she forgave him he continued with the abuse and she had to quit the relationship.
Her words,
“I’ve been in a relationship that was violent, like my first relationship I remember the first time he did it, he stayed outside of my house, he slept outside of my house for three days on the floor in the rain, sunshine, everything, he was begging.”
“ Obviously by the fourth day, I’m not a devil, I was like come in to sleep on the corridor. I woke up in the middle of the night, he was next to me on the bed and they beg, they come and shower you with gifts and tell you all these things and I’m a very strong, you know that I’m a strong person, but even I, went back. and then it happened the second time.”