Dear reader, do you remember how diligent you were with your handwashing at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic in the year 2020?
Now cast your mind back over the last six months; how frequent have you been with this life saving practice?
Hold that thought while we regale you with some horror inducing facts below:
1- Did you know that the average unwashed pair of hands can habor up to 3200 different germs belonging to over 150 species, some of which can cause harmful and serious infections?
2- Did you also know that washing your face and other body parts with dirty hands is counterproductive and can have negative effects?
Number 2 above is the reason for which this piece you are currently reading was written.
Your average beauty influencers start off their videos by applying products straight away and the viewers can not tell if their hands are clean or not. This might be due to editing and the management of time.However, for the avoidance of doubt, the first step in your beauty routine should always be hand washing!
Be it a day or night time routine, be it for face or body, wash your hands thoroughly before you begin to dispense products into your hands to use on other parts of your face and body.
This is an important detail that is often overlooked. Some people hold the belief that when the face cleanser comes in contact with their hands , it automatically cleans both hands and face. This is not the case as dirty hands can reduce the efficacy of your products and encourage breakouts just the same way dirty makeup brushes cause skin to flare up.
Now that you have been reminded, be sure to wash your hands often. Make it a habit to wash your hands before applying any product to your face to ensure you have great skin year round!