The strength of your hair lies on the food you give to it, as the saying goes “health is wealth” it applies to hair too.
What mainly helps in the growth of hair is good diet, you may have noticed that people who are very poor hardly have a well developed hair, this is because they do not have the means to manage a proper diet.
Here are a few things which can really help in the growth and development of your hair;
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Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene. The body converts this compound into vitamin A, which is linked to good hair health.
Sweet Peppers
Sweet peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which may aid hair growth.
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one yellow pepper provides nearly 5.5 times as much vitamin C as an orange
Vitamin C helps promote collagen production, which can help strengthen your hair strands.
Honey is as natural as nature, so its advicable to use honey with all your daily tea, pure fresh honey not company made.
Avocado is very good for the hair, it helps strengthen the hair as it contains vitamin E and C.