Biodun Okeowo, also known as Omoborty, a Nollywood actress, has announced the birth of her third grandchild by Nollywood couple Adeniyi Johnson and Seyi Edun.
An emotional comment was added to a video that Biodun Okeowo uploaded of the twins of Niyi Johnson and Seyi Edun.
Omoborty expressed gratitude to God for the twins’ birth as well as her joy at welcoming her third grandchild.
READ ALSO: Actress Biodun Okeowo celebrates birthday with stunning photos, calls for prayers
The actress prayed for those seeking the fruit of the womb and congratulated the newest parents.
She wrote;
“Guys, I just welcomed my 3rd grand children. This is one of the best news I heard in this month of February. Wowwww!
After 7 years! Olorun Ose o! Ile Anu Olorun kiisu (God is never late).
I’m teary but let me save this epistle and just say, “THANK YOU, JEHOVAH”
Biggest Congratulations, my darlings @i_am_shai and @adeniyijohnson
I pray for everyone seeking the fruit of the womb that the God of miracle will bless your womb this year.”