These are foods that are belly flattening because, they either provide zero calories or less per serving to help you lose weight, or they are full of one or both belly-fat attacking nutrients known as MUFAs (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and whole grains.
Several studies have revealed that a diet rich in MUFAs may help reduce belly fat and increase fat-burning in people with larger waist lines. A new study has shown that whole grains may help you lose twice as much belly fat.
These foods are more than weight loss aids – they can help you meet your health goals.
A significant source of soluble fibre, it contains bata-glucans, a soluble fibre which has been proven effective in lowering cholesterol. Eating oats can prevent rise of blood sugars – beta glucan slows rise in blood glucose levels.
Vegetable juice:
A glass of nutritious vegetable, carrot juice, for instance, is just 100 calories with no added sugar. It contains vitamin A, a key immune-boosting nutrient that helps to fight off germs and viruses.
Lose weight and shed belly fat by just sipping 100% natural fruits blended together for breakfast or dinner. Smoothies help to boost immunity as well as enhance digestive health.
Fruit and vegetables:
You can never go wrong with eating fruits and vegetables; from an apple a day to a wedge of watermelon, to carrots, cucumber, green salad, the list goes on. Healthy diets, rich in fruits and vegetables, may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fibre, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.
Chicken (white meat such as chicken breast): It is high in protein and tastes great. The chicken here should not be fried or prepared with lots of oil or other fatty ingredients, and should be eaten without the skin.
Note: On average, a 6oz piece of chicken with the skin has approximately 340 calories. If you remove the skin from that same piece of chicken breast, it will contain only 240 calories. Chicken skin mostly consists of fat. By removing it, you’ll be able to save at least 100 calories per 6oz serving. In addition, chicken skin contains an alarming amount of fat. A 6oz skinless piece of chicken breast contains a mere 3g of fat but that same piece of chicken with skin contains 14g of fat! Be warned!