Make-up has an expiry date just like every other thing such as food. Unlike many other products, certain makeup items lack a clear ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ date on their packaging.
This absence of a visible shelf life, coupled with the expense of makeup, often leads to people keeping their makeup far past its recommended period of use.
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When holding on to makeup for so long it might be very harmful and lead to some issues especially when being used on the face.
If you can’t remember when you last had one, then today is the day! If you need clarification on what you should throw away, keep reading because this will guide you through the process.
1. Expiry Dates
If you can’t find the expiry date on your product simply go with this format, mascara (3-6 months), liquid eyeliner (6 months), foundation (6-12 months), concealer (6-12 months),
Powder (1-2 years), blush and bronzer (1-2 years), eyeshadow (1-2 years), lipstick and lip gloss (1-2 years), and nail polish (1-2 years).
2. Decoding Shelf Life
All cosmetic products have a symbol on their packaging that indicates the product’s lifetime after opening. This is known as the PAO (period after opening) symbol
It is shown as an open jar with a number and the letter ‘M’, indicating the number of months the product is safe to use after the packaging has been unsealed.
3. Unsafe Cosmetics
It is important to know various makeup products and how safe it is to use. Also, be aware of expired or unsafe cosmetics signs to prevent any adverse effects if used. Of course, not all cosmetics have a set expiration date.
4. Keep Your Collections Safe And Tidy
The act of keeping a safe product cannot be over emphasised one needs to ensure their products are always clean and safe to use from time to time.