Hello Glam divas!!! on this week”s edition of worst dressed, Recently, Hollywood stars attended the Billboard music awards 2015, some stars dressed to impress, while celebrities like Dencia, Rita Ora, Maria Carey, Iggy Azalea wore wackiest outfits.
1.DENCIA: The entrepreneur obviously was passing a message with her traffic light sign, She felt uncomfortable in her shoes and glasses, babe get a good stylist.
2. Rita Ora: British Singer white dress with gold embellishments outfit made her feel uncomfotable as she could barely move. Nice shoes, hair and make up. I think you need to be yourself Rita.
3. Hailee Stenfield: This Hollywood actress forgot it was an event not sleeping time. Her outfit looked like pieces of clothes used too sew sleeping gowns. From her hair to shoes, she definitely needs a make over.