DMX’s fiancée Desiree Lindstrom disclosed last week that their 5-year-old son Exodus is suffering from kidney problems. Desiree is the late rapper’s fiancée and the mother of his 15th child.
Lindstrom made the stunning insight while on Raquel Harper’s podcast “It’s Tricky.” Raquel inquired about Exodus’ status, implying that they had discussed the young boy’s health prior to the talk.
“Exodus is stable. He still has stage 3 kidney disease, and I continue to keep his potassium down.”
Sounding hopeful, Desiree added.
“He goes to the doctor very often.”
On her Instagram page, Desiree shared the news of Exodus’ health condition to raise awareness seemingly. In her caption, she thanked The National Kidney Foundation and Exodus’ health care providers for their support.
Exodus is an amazing child! Blessed to be his mother through this journey. March is the month that brings awareness to kidney disease. Take the time to learn about CKD. Knowledge is key. Thank you for the support @nationalkidneyfoundation and #columbiapresbyterianhospitalnyc. Prayers are much appreciated! #ForeverX
DMX’s Son’s Mother Raises Awareness About Exodus’ Kidney Disease Diagnoses
Lindstrom shared a video of her young son on Instagram earlier today, wishing everyone a happy “National Kidney Day.” Exodus appeared cheerful, flashing a lovely smile as they recited the date.
DMX died on April 9th, barely one week after suffering a heart attack and other complications as a result of a cocaine overdose.
We hope Exodus gets well soon!