Earlier this month Adebayo Oke-Lawal revealed on his instagram page that Davido X Orange Culture had gotten into bed…. business wise. The two mega brands were collaborating on a Menswear Collection that was going to be available exclusively at Selfridges. Quite naturally this was huge news and the Design, Music and Creative community celebrated and felicitated with duo over social media and on other platforms. Creative Director, Bayo Oke-Lawal shared images from the official presentation on the 12th of September. The collaboration was driven by Style Files, the brainchild of Omoyemi Akerele who is also the Founder/Creative Director of Lagos Fashion and Design Week. Omoyemi Akerele is an ardent facilitaor of the Nigerian Fashion Industry and she is constantly at the centre of many efforts to propel Indigenous designers and talent into the international space. The event was also supported by the Nigerian Export Promotions Council.