File this under “Things You Didn’t Know You Needed”: Christian Louboutin has put out a photo-filtering app. If VSCO or Instagram’s photo-editing capabilities weren’t hacking it for you, let us introduce you to “Louboutinize.”
The app, which hit Apple’s App Store on Friday, only has three filters so far — according to WWD, there are more on the way — but what options they are! Let’s take a look at them.
First up we’ve got “Rouge,” which washes your pictures with the shoe brand’s signature red hue. Using this filter, I transformed a nice beach house I saw over the weekend into a surrealist hellscape.
Next up, the “Crystallize” option gives your photos a warped look, as though viewed in a broken mirror. Personally, I’m reminded of the shattered face of my iPhone, which I’ve been meaning to fix.
The third and arguably best filter is the delightfully straightforward though somewhat inexplicable “Legs” option, which attaches the bottom half of a matador, soccer player, ballerina or polo player to the lower portion of your own photo. This works best if you take the picture in the app, so you can position it properly. I tested it out on a photo I already had saved in my phone, below.
Fun, right?
We’ve reached out to Louboutin to see when more filters might land in users’ hands, but until then, please enjoy these.