On Friday, Big Brother of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV show, BBNaija 2021, added a new element to the game that was being played in his house.
He gave Maria the task of pranking six of his housemates.
Remember that on Monday, Maria, the Head of House, was given a covert mission to act as if she had the authority to remove two housemates on Sunday.
Biggie indicated there will be no evictions this week in a diary session with Maria, who won the head of house challenge on Monday.
Maria was told by Biggie to keep the knowledge a secret.
In a follow-up directive, Biggie told Maria to collect her housemates and mention her bottom six, telling them to pack their belongings and prepare for eviction.
“Big Brother has an additional mission for you. On Sunday morning, you are to address the house and announce your bottom-six housemates, that is, the six housemates who least impressed you this week.” He said
“You must tell them to pack their bags and deliver them into the storeroom as they await their final verdict.”
However, Big Brother told her to leave the diary room when she asked if the two housemates will be evicted.