Embattled Nollywood actor, Olanrewaju Omiyinka, popularly known as Baba Ijesha, is presently before the Lagos State Special Offences Court in Ikeja for a hearing on his bail application.
It was earlier reported that Baba Ijesha will be arraigned at an Ikeja Special Offences Court on June 24 over allegations of sexual assault of a minor.
Baba Ijesha, who has been in custody since his arrest on April 22, is to stand trial before Justice Oluwatoyin Taiwo after he was arraigned on June 16 at a Yaba Magistrates’ Court on charges of indecent treatment of a child, defilement of a child, attempted sexual assault by penetration and sexual assault.
He however pleaded not guilty to the charges but was remanded in custody by Magistrate P.E Nwaka due to indications that the matter is before the High Court.
Following the development, on Thursday he arrived in court in a Black Maria.
Also present in court are popular comedienne, Adekola Adekanya, otherwise called Princess; Baba Ijesha’s colleague, Yomi Fabiyi; as well as other interested parties in the matter. While Fabiyi spoke to newsmen, Princess didn’t grant press interviews.
The court is expected to decide on Baba Ijesha’s bail application.