So, understandably, you might have trouble dealing with this new reality. Denial won’t help, but being prepared will, and in case you forgot how to cope with the rain, we’ve come up with five survival tips to help you cope.
You’re welcome.
1. Dress appropriately
Go back to your West Coast roots and get out your Gore-Tex, your gum boots and your trusty baseball caps. You may not look good, but you’ll be comfortable and will look smart – as in intelligent, not stylish. Your practicality will pay off in spades while those grasping at the final straws of summer in shorts and flip-flops will look foolish. What’s worse than a wet flip-flop anyway?
2. Drive with caution
Driving with the windows down on dry, open roads is a summertime staple. Maybe you had your guard down and drove a little faster than you should, all in the name of feeling the wind in your hair.
Well knock it off.
The first rain after long periods of dryness makes roads incredibly slick, since it brings oil and grease to the surface. Combine that with rushing water in the case of flash flooding, and you have a recipe for disaster.
3. Practice good umbrella etiquette
Walking freely downtown without having to give others a wide berth has been a luxury that you’ll have to give up. Expect a sea of umbrellas sheltering surly, sundry civilians trying to make their way through the city this weekend.
Being considerate of others can make the experience of carrying an umbrella exponentially more pleasant:
- Make sure to raise your umbrella when passing people to avoid knocking or soaking people without umbrellas.
- Don’t carry an oversized umbrella. That’s just rude.
- Don’t just abandon a broken umbrella in the street – that’s littering.
- And for goodness sake, shake off your umbrella outside before entering a building, especially someone’s house.
4. Learn how to be indoors
We’re known for being outdoorsy people in this city, but it’s time to hang that hat up while the wet weather graces us with dangerous flash floods and stormy conditions. Learn how to be a hermit for the weekend: dust off the boardgames, get out the kettle for some tea and have a few friends over to hunker down with.
Or better yet, have that special friend over for “Netflix and chill.” The world of your apartment is your oyster – get creative.
5. Have a romantic moment
With torrential downpours upon us, why not take the opportunity to recreate that scene from The Notebook or Breakfast at Tiffany’s or whatever? You know, where the cute, heterosexual couple realizes they can’t live without one another and have a romantic kiss in the rain. You’re getting soaked, but you don’t even care because you love each other so much and it’s magical.