Looking good takes investing time on your skin. Scoop up these tips and rock your way through the year!
– Exfoliate your skin first thing in the morning with an invigorating scrub. St. Ives is an old classic that always delivers. Rub with circular strokes and score smooth and glowing skin in 5 minutes flat!
-Hung over from work? Lie in a quiet room for 5 minutes with used fridge chilled teabags over your eyes to reduce swelling and dark under eye circles. If this doesn’t work, whip out the concealer!
– During Harmatan, remember to prep dry skin with some of the best moisture providers on the market. Vaseline intensive care essential moisture and Body shop’s body butter, both work magic on thirsty skin.
-Dull or bleary eyes are an absolute no, no! Brighten your eyes cleverly with a dot of silver eye shadow in the inner corners and score bigger peepers with two coats of lengthening mascara.
-Dry and flaky lips may be common this season but that wont stop the Glamsquare diva! Ditch the balm, what you need is a lip moisturizer that penetrates, plumps and softens the lips. Blistex intensive lip moisturizer or Body shop’s hemp lip moisturizer will works wonders.