Live healthy

Live Healthy

By Pamela Echemunor

The human body is genetically made to depreciate over the course of time, meaning as we age, our bodily functions gradually reduce in activity. That’s why health experts’ advice that one leads a healthy lifestyle when you are youthful. For people over the age of 30, research has shown that age related illnesses tend to start arising, and this is the time to take evasive action to ensure a longer and healthier life. Here are a few useful tips that are and will be good for you.

Exercising regularly

Typically for those who work, this can be a bit of a challenge, but exercising does the body a world of good. As one ages, the joints tend to stiffen and exercise helps lubricate those joints and avoid things like arthritis, back ache and muscular pain. Try doing a bit of yoga in the morning if other exercises are too daunting.


Good Diet

They say you are what you eat; this is a fact believe it or not. For those in the habit of doing junk or fast food, you best beware. As delicious at they taste now, the latter results won’t be so. Certain ingredients put in these tasty meals/snacks to make them appetizing are highly dangerous, and the producers aim to make profit, and aren’t exactly out to help you stay healthy. Home cooked food is best, plus try and stick to a more low fat, vegetarian related diet, do more salads, white meat/lean meat as well as eat well portioned meals.

Sleep well

Sleep is a paramount part of living, it is a requirement that shouldn’t be tampered with. Various sicknesses have been linked to sleep deprivation like hypertension and self induced insomnia. The body requires at least 8 hours of sleep to enable to refresh and restart, if you cant do that, try 6 hours. But remember, you are not a robot.

Lifestyle Choices

Certain lifestyle choices are hazardous to health, the fact that it has no impact in the present, doesn’t mean that it won’t do anything later. People who are in the habit of smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse etc are at high risk of developing serious health issues later. People who consume a lot of sugar, salt etc are also at risk, so live well.


Stay Hydrated

Water is the food of life, water has numerous healing tendencies and it is one of the biggest gifts from nature. The body requires a substantial amount of water daily. Water not only has healing tendencies, it also detoxifies and is good for the skin and other bodily functions, without it, the body will shutdown, so stay hydrated.


Take a break

Once in a while take yourself out, shopping, movies, the beach or  swimming, the bottomline is to live because you only live once so have fun with it!



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