Nigeria’s Next Super Model 2016 was infused into one of Africa’s topmost fashion weeks – Africa International Fashion Week which took place from the 16th to 18th of November, 2016 at D’Venue, water corporation road, oniru lekki lagos NIGERIA, an event that is known to pull together creative and talented fashion designers all over africa and it’s environs. NNSM 2016 contest started at the early part of the year, of which several girls applied to stand a chance. Several screenings were conducted at various times of the year at different locations around the country. Final screening left 25 stunning girls standing, and in-camp voting left 11 girls standing. The AIFW 2016 peaked with the crowning of the 10th winnner of Nigeria’s Next Super Model. Scaling through 20+ finalists, then Top 5 (Ibukun, Grace, Omolola, Blessing, and Faith), and then Top 3 (Ibukun, Omolola and Grace), the winner (IBUKUN) is no doubt the winner as the entire audience screamed in agreement at the announcement of her name as the Queen. She was gracefully presented with her gifts which includes a brand new Car by Studio24, VIP trip ticket by EU RAIL, and several other benefits that are awaits as the reign goes by… the founder, Mrs Joan Okorodudu always have this quote for the winner, “the winner takes it all”. All the top finalists are supermodels already, identified by international bookers and modeling agencies, they are sure to be leaving the country soon for their various international jobs. Stay updated by visiting