Dolly and Daisy Simpson, 25, from Stockton-on-Tees, plans to undergo surgery to have matching designer private parts.
A set of British twins, who have spent £140,000 on surgeries to look identical, now want to have matching designer private parts.
Dolly and Daisy Simpson, 25, from Stockton-on-Tees, made the revelation during their appearance on a television show This Morning with their mother Christina to discuss their decision to go under-the-knife after having matching nose and boob jobs.
The sisters confessed they hope to have matching labiaplastys and are also considering getting the Brazilian Butt lift surgery to alter their looks.
But their mother who appeared to be surprise by their decision, said she found the circumstances ‘difficult’, and adding: ‘When they’ve been going through these procedures, I haven’t been told the full extent.’
Asked by Scofield on the need to look alike, Daisy blamed it on insecurity.
“We don’t need to look alike, it’s just we both have that insecurity.
“We do want to look similar, and we want the same surgeons, but she’s a little more extreme than me. I don’t want to look exactly the same as her”
The twins said they had paid for their surgeries using money they had saved up by doing nude OnlyFans content.
Their mother said she believed her daughters were beautiful even before they had the procedures. And she believes that social media had a great deal of impact in her daughters decision.