
The way my counseling room is being invaded by divorcées for new partners has become a cause of concern to me, because it only tells me that most of the weddings we spend so much money celebrating most Saturdays, now mostly ends in divorce.

That does not rule out the fact that two are better than one. It also does not rule out the fact that one shall chase a thousand, and two ten thousand. What I rather see here is the case of “can two walk together except they be agreed?”, so many people today are rushing into marriage with people they do not trust or respect or can even Love. I guess for many, the hunger to be with someone is more important than the desire to stay and last with the person.

Maybe what bothers me more is how so many STRANGE MEN who are still living with women go about lying that they are divorced when they are not, so that they can get into the purses and pants of the UNWISE LADIES who increase by the day with ABNORMAL HUNGER to be with someone.

I have been with Lawrenta Omono for 26 years and by God’s Grace we still long for each other like we met yesterday, so I do not believe it’s the institution of marriage that is wrong. If you really need to find what has gone wrong; START WITH YOURSELF!

By Jerome Onipede


Glamsquad magazine is an independently operated online fashion, beauty, style, entertainment, and health blog. Its features are both inspirational and accessible, giving our followers a scoop on what's trending now in the fashion, beauty, style, and entertainment industry.

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